winners for Edmonton Tourism Awards 2024


Métis Crossing offers a deep dive into the heart and soul of Métis culture, history, and identity. Situated in a picturesque setting, it is Alberta’s first major Métis cultural interpretive centre, providing an immersive and educational experience that honours the Métis people’s legacy. Through a comprehensive array of interactive exhibits, workshops, performances, and storytelling, Métis Crossing bridges the past with the present, offering insights into the rich traditions and way of life of the Métis community.

Visitors to Métis Crossing take a journey through time, exploring the historical and contemporary aspects of Métis life. The centre’s programs, from guided tours to traditional craft workshops and seasonal celebrations, encapsulate the spirit of Métis culture, offering a unique perspective on this distinct Indigenous group. Métis Crossing is not just a destination; it’s an educational voyage that connects visitors with the enduring heritage and resilient spirit of the Métis people.

The centre’s mission extends beyond cultural preservation to active engagement and education, aiming to foster greater understanding and respect for Métis culture among visitors. By showcasing Métis artisans, musicians, and storytellers, Métis Crossing celebrates the community’s creativity and contributions, enhancing cultural tourism and economic development in the Edmonton region. This commitment to cultural representation and education highlights Métis Crossing’s role as a beacon of heritage and cultural pride.


Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival is a beloved celebration that transforms Edmonton’s Alberta Avenue into a tableau of cultural diversity and winter wonder. This annual event encapsulates the spirit of community and cultural heritage, drawing from Ukrainian, French Canadian, Franco-African, Indigenous (Métis, Inuit, Cree), Latin American, and Asian traditions to create a rich and diverse cultural experience. Visitors are immersed in a festive atmosphere filled with music, dance, art installations, and culinary delights, reflecting the multicultural mosaic of the region.

Deep Freeze is more than a festival; it is a community gathering that fosters unity and showcases the unique cultural identity of Edmonton’s Alberta Avenue. Activities like street hockey, ice sculpture displays, and the exhilarating Deep Freezer races provide engaging experiences for all ages. The festival’s inclusive approach, offering free admission, ensures that everyone can partake in the celebration, reinforcing the event’s role in promoting social cohesion and community pride.

With its commitment to celebrating Edmonton’s cultural diversity against the backdrop of winter’s charm, Deep Freeze enhances the city’s cultural landscape and contributes to its reputation as a vibrant, inclusive community. This festival not only provides entertainment but also serves as an educational platform, promoting understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Deep Freeze’s ability to unite diverse groups and celebrate their heritage in the context of a winter festival embodies the essence of cultural exchange and community engagement.


TELUS World of Science—Edmonton is a testament to the intersection of culture, education, and science, offering a unique cultural experience centred around Indigenous heritage and scientific discovery. The center’s immersive exhibits, such as “Legends of the Northern Sky” and the Indigenous Traditional Room, provide a platform for exploring Indigenous cosmologies, traditions, and connections to the natural world. Through these experiences, visitors gain a profound understanding of the Indigenous worldview and its intricate relationship with the cosmos and the Earth.

This cultural experience extends to the Arctic Journey gallery, which delves into the ecological and cultural landscapes of the Arctic and showcases the resilience and ingenuity of its Indigenous peoples. Through educational programs and community partnerships, TELUS World of Science fosters cultural exchange and learning, bridging gaps between diverse audiences and Indigenous knowledge.

The centre not only serves as a hub for scientific exploration but also as a space for cultural immersion and reflection, promoting a deeper appreciation for Indigenous cultures and their contributions to science and society. The blend of interactive learning, cultural celebration, and scientific inquiry at TELUS World of Science—Edmonton enriches the cultural fabric of the city, attracting visitors from across the globe and stimulating economic activity in the region. This unique approach to cultural and scientific engagement showcases the commitment of TELUS World of Science to honour Indigenous heritage and foster a more inclusive and informed community.



Sustainable Tourism Over 500k

The Edmonton Radial Railway Society (ERRS) champions sustainable tourism through the restoration and operation of historic streetcars, providing a unique and environmentally friendly transit experience in Edmonton. With objectives to expand public transit appreciation, rejuvenate historic rail corridors, and restore streetcars to their original condition, ERRS creates a living museum that educates and entertains.

Operating entirely on electric power, the ERRS’s streetcars exemplify zero-emission transportation, showcasing the potential for sustainable urban transit solutions. The society’s work in restoring disused rail lines and transforming them into thriving community spaces illustrates the transformative power of sustainable practices in urban development.

ERRS’s restoration projects breathe new life into historic streetcars, preserving Edmonton’s transportation heritage while promoting sustainability. The society’s dedication to restoring streetcars extends to educational missions, highlighting the evolution of public transit and its role in urban development.

The society’s funding model, reliant on passenger fares, charters, and donations, underpins its sustainable tourism practices. ERRS’s operation enhances Edmonton’s cultural and historical landscape, offering residents and tourists alike a tangible connection to the city’s past.

By providing accessible and engaging transit experiences, ERRS encourages a broader appreciation of sustainable transportation, contributing to Edmonton’s tourism appeal and environmental goals. 


The River Valley Alliance (RVA) played a huge role in transforming the Edmonton metropolitan region’s river valley into the longest-connected urban park in North America. Their mission encapsulates three core sustainable tourism objectives: environmental preservation, socio-economic enhancement, and cultural heritage conservation. By maintaining the river valley as a green space, the RVA protects natural resources and wildlife, offering expansive, accessible outdoor areas for the community and visitors alike.

Investments in infrastructure, such as trails and pedestrian bridges, enhance visitor experiences, promoting physical activity and appreciation for the natural environment. These developments, adhering to sustainable design principles, balance recreational use with ecological integrity. The RVA’s work in trail naming and sharing Indigenous histories enriches visitors’ experiences, offering authentic, culturally immersive journeys through the river valley’s storied landscape.

The RVA’s dedication to sustainability is evident in its approach to environmental stewardship, education, and community engagement. Initiatives like trail etiquette education minimize ecological impact, preserving the river valley’s biodiversity and natural beauty. The Alliance’s efforts in promoting environmental responsibility among residents and tourists alike contribute to the sustainable use of this cherished natural asset.

Supported by local, provincial, and federal government funding, the RVA exemplifies a successful model of collaborative sustainability efforts. Their work boosts local tourism and recreational opportunities and ensures the long-term conservation of the river valley’s natural and cultural assets.


Sustainable Tourism Under 500k

EcoFloats by RiverWatch epitomizes sustainable tourism, offering river-based educational tours that merge environmental stewardship with interactive learning. With a budget under $500K, EcoFloats operates on the principle of minimal ecological disruption, using non-motorized rafts to explore Alberta’s waterways. This initiative allows participants to connect with nature, fostering a deep appreciation for local ecosystems and the importance of water conservation.

Educational engagement is a cornerstone of the EcoFloats experience. Trained guides provide insights into local flora and fauna, conservation challenges, and sustainable practices. This educational aspect empowers visitors to make informed environmental choices and understand the interconnectedness of human actions and natural health.

RiverWatch’s commitment to community collaboration is reflected in its efforts to support local economies and cultures. By employing local guides and partnering with local businesses, EcoFloats ensures that tourism benefits are felt across the community, reinforcing the social equity pillar of sustainability.

EcoFloats by RiverWatch stands out for its innovative approach to tourism, combining education, environmental protection, and community engagement. This program not only offers unique, memorable experiences but also instills a sense of responsibility and stewardship in participants, contributing to the broader goals of sustainable tourism and ecological preservation in Alberta.


Métis Crossing serves as a testament to the cultural heritage and resilience of the Métis community. Located in the heart of the River Valley, it offers an immersive experience of the traditions, lifestyles, and storytelling of the Métis people. With a budget under $500K, Métis Crossing’s mission centers on creating meaningful employment and educational opportunities within the Métis community, thereby strengthening social sustainability.

Their approach to environmental sustainability is equally commendable, with initiatives like the Métis Crossing Wildlife Park and the Métis Crossing Solar Project underscoring their commitment to ecological conservation and sustainable energy use. These projects not only reduce the site’s carbon footprint but also serve as educational tools for visitors, highlighting the importance of renewable energy and wildlife preservation.

Economically, Métis Crossing aims for self-sufficiency while contributing to the local economy. Through compelling tourism experiences that attract visitors nationwide, it generates revenue that supports both the site’s operations and the broader community. The emphasis on local procurement further amplifies its economic impact, ensuring that the benefits of tourism extend throughout the region.

Métis Crossing’s holistic approach to sustainability is evident in its operations, which balance economic growth with environmental protection and social equity. Through educational programs, cultural festivals, and interactive exhibits, they provide a platform for cultural exchange and learning, making Métis Crossing a cornerstone of sustainable tourism in Alberta.


Prairie Gardens embodies sustainable tourism through its dedication to environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Nestled in rural Alberta, this farm-based destination offers a diverse array of experiences, from farm-to-table culinary events to educational agriculture programs, all underpinned by a commitment to preserving the land and empowering the community.

Environmental protection is central to Prairie Gardens’ operation, with initiatives like biodiversity conservation, organic farming practices, and tree-planting programs. These efforts enhance the ecological health of the area and serve as a living classroom for visitors, teaching the principles of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.

Economically, Prairie Gardens contributes to the local community by creating jobs, supporting local suppliers, and offering authentic agritourism experiences that attract visitors from near and far. This economic activity reinforces the farm’s sustainability and provides a model for how rural tourism can contribute to regional prosperity.

Social equity at Prairie Gardens is realized through inclusive employment practices, educational outreach, and community engagement. The farm’s collaboration with Indigenous partners and focus on cultural and historical preservation enriches the visitor experience, offering insights into the region’s heritage and the importance of reconciliation and cultural respect.

Prairie Gardens’ approach to sustainable tourism is comprehensive, integrating economic viability, environmental protection, and social equity into every facet of its operation. This holistic model not only ensures the farm’s longevity but also positions it as a leader in sustainable tourism, demonstrating how rural enterprises can contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive future.



Campus Tower Suite Hotel, managed by Coast Hotels, excels in creating a nurturing work environment that values inclusivity, diversity, and employee growth. Recognizing the complexity of modern workplace dynamics, the hotel has developed comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure business success alongside the safety and satisfaction of its staff, referred to as Ambassadors.

The hotel’s primary objectives include promoting an inclusive culture where workforce diversity is celebrated, ensuring awareness and respect for diversity to maintain a workplace free from discrimination, and enhancing leaders’ ability to manage and develop a diverse workforce. To achieve these goals, Campus Tower Suite Hotel employs fair recruitment practices, celebrates cultural diversity through monthly themed lunches, and provides annual training on violence and harassment prevention.

The hotel also emphasizes work-life balance, encouraging staff to prioritize their well-being, which, in turn, fosters productivity and job satisfaction. Managers lead by example, maintaining open communication and supporting staff in achieving a harmonious balance between professional and personal life.

Communication at Campus Tower is rooted in respect and meaningful engagement. The hotel promotes active listening and respectful interactions, ensuring feedback is constructive and supportive. Ambassador recognition programs celebrate employee achievements, reinforcing a culture of appreciation and motivation.

The hotel also empowers employees through clear communication of expectations and goals, continuous learning opportunities, and recognition of individual and team achievements. This holistic approach to employee welfare and professional development establishes Campus Tower Suite Hotel as an exemplary workplace in Edmonton’s hospitality industry.


Delta Hotels by Marriott Edmonton adheres to a people-first philosophy, placing utmost importance on the well-being and development of its associates. The hotel’s core value, “Put People First,” is reflected in its commitment to creating a supportive environment where associates feel valued and heard.

Through the Living Our Core Values (LOCV) program, leaders are equipped with the skills to foster strong relationships, ensure associates are engaged, and value their feedback. The hotel’s wellness program, TakeCare, supports associates’ physical and mental health, contributing to a positive work atmosphere.

Integrity is another pillar of the hotel’s ethos, promoting honesty and trustworthiness. Associates are empowered to make decisions, reinforcing a culture of trust and accountability. The hotel’s Serve Our World initiative further unites the team, encouraging community service and social responsibility.

In terms of communication, Delta Hotels by Marriott Edmonton emphasizes transparency and respect, facilitating open dialogues through various platforms and ensuring all associates can contribute to the workplace culture. The hotel’s incentive programs reward associates for their contributions, enhancing job satisfaction and loyalty.

The commitment to personal growth is evident in the hotel’s professional development opportunities, which include leadership training and educational support. By offering a comprehensive range of benefits and promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect, Delta Hotels by Marriott Edmonton stands out as a leading employer in the hospitality sector.


TELUS World of Science—Edmonton fosters an engaging and supportive workplace by prioritizing leadership development, employee engagement, and adherence to core values. Through a standardized onboarding process, TELUS World of Science ensures new team members are well-integrated into the organization’s culture and mission, facilitating a sense of belonging and empowerment from day one.

The institution conducts biannual engagement surveys to gauge and enhance workplace satisfaction, aligning with its strategic goals and fostering a responsive and dynamic environment. Core values such as leadership, community, collaboration, and inclusivity are central to the culture, driving its mission to inspire and educate.

TELUS World of Science’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion manifests in its governance and operations, with initiatives designed to ensure all voices are heard and valued. The organization’s focus on well-being and work-life balance supports a healthy, productive workforce that is adaptable to life’s varying demands.

Communication at TELUS World of Science is purposeful and transparent, encouraging open dialogue and continuous learning. Employee recognition programs celebrate individual and team achievements, reinforcing a positive organizational culture. Professional development opportunities are provided to all staff levels, supporting personal and career growth.

By offering fair compensation, comprehensive benefits, and a safe work environment, TELUS World of Science not only attracts but retains talent, contributing to its reputation as a great place to work.



Over $1 Million

The 2023 NHL Heritage Classic, hosted in Edmonton, was not only a celebration of hockey but also a showcase of Edmonton’s capacity to host large-scale international events. Marking the 20th anniversary of the first outdoor NHL game, the event drew over 55,411 fans to Commonwealth Stadium, creating an electrifying atmosphere that highlighted the city’s enthusiasm for the sport.

The Heritage Classic, which aimed to showcase Edmonton as a premier event and tourism destination, sell out the stadium, and celebrate hockey’s cultural significance in Canada, was a monumental success. The extensive promotional campaign, executed in partnership with the NHL and event sponsors, featured major media, corporate, and fan engagements, which significantly boosted Edmonton’s global reputation.

The economic impact was profound, with an estimated $35 million infused into the local economy. The event not only captivated local and international audiences but also supported community initiatives, with donations made towards hockey’s development and inclusion programs in Alberta.

The Heritage Classic was a testament to Edmonton’s passion for hockey and its ability to deliver a world-class event, enhancing the city’s profile as a leading destination for major sporting events and contributing to its economic and cultural vitality.


The Style Experience FIS Big Air World Cup, held at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, represented a significant milestone in winter sports, being the first North American stop on the FIS international tour. This event not only brought the world’s best snowboarders to compete on a monumental 15-story jump but also integrated unique activations like The Grind, a street-style rail jam, enhancing the competitive and entertainment value of the event.

Canada Snowboard’s objectives were ambitious: to continually elevate the event with new features, uphold Edmonton’s ‘go big’ philosophy, and position the competition as a premier event on the FIS Snowboard Big Air Tour. These goals were met with innovative strategies that led to significant growth, drawing over 10,000 spectators and reaching 2.5 million viewers globally through broadcasts, showcasing Edmonton’s dynamic character and hospitality to the world.

The event’s design included world-class athletic competitions and engaging activities like concerts and a vendor village, creating a festival atmosphere that resonated with a broad audience. This approach not only entertained attendees but also provided local businesses with unique opportunities to engage with a diverse international crowd, thus benefiting the local economy.

The Style Experience served as a platform to promote snowboarding among the youth, aligning with Canada Snowboard’s commitment to fostering the next generation of athletes. Through collaborations with local organizations and schools, the event engaged over 500 kids, offering them a chance to experience world-class snowboarding and interact with professional athletes, thus inspiring future talents and reinforcing the sport’s community roots in Edmonton.


The Servus Edmonton Marathon, a landmark event in Edmonton’s sports calendar, has become synonymous with community spirit and physical endurance. Attracting over 4,365 participants in various race categories, the marathon highlights Edmonton’s scenic beauty and plays a vital role in promoting a healthy, active lifestyle among its residents and visitors.

With objectives centered around inclusivity, community engagement, and enhancing downtown vibrancy, the marathon creates a comprehensive experience that extends beyond the race itself. The Health and Wellness Expo, part of the event, offers valuable resources on fitness, nutrition, and health, aligning with the city’s vision of becoming a leading healthy city.

The marathon’s economic impact is substantial, with participants and spectators contributing to local businesses, invigorating the city’s economy. The event’s marketing and promotional efforts, which include social media campaigns, collaborations with locally run clubs, and a robust engagement strategy, have successfully increased its profile on a provincial, national, and international level.

The marathon’s inclusive approach, offering race categories for all ages and abilities, underscores Edmonton’s diverse and vibrant community. It’s not just a race; it’s a celebration of Edmonton’s commitment to health, wellness, and community spirit, making it a key player in the city’s cultural and economic landscape.


Under $1 Million

The Edmonton Yudanshakai Judo Society orchestrates Canada’s largest judo event, turning the Ice Palace at West Edmonton Mall into a judo arena. This event, evolving since 2006, has reached an unprecedented scale with over 1,200 competitors spanning ages seven to 67. It’s not just a tournament; it’s a cultural exchange, with participants and spectators converging from across the globe, including nations like Japan, Croatia, and England.

The event serves multiple goals: raising judo awareness locally, providing a competitive platform for various skill levels, and establishing itself as a premier judo event in Canada. Its strategic location in a high-traffic mall ensures maximum visibility, engaging passersby and drawing them into the world of judo.

The economic influx from this event is considerable, with attendees using local accommodations, dining, and transport services, thus injecting vitality into Edmonton’s economy. Funded primarily through registration fees supplemented by grants and sponsorships, the event showcases sustainable growth and broad community support.

Promotion through social media and traditional media platforms, combined with live-streaming, amplifies its reach, attracting global attention and solidifying the event’s status as a pivotal moment in the judo calendar. This event not only celebrates judo as a sport but also promotes Edmonton as a diverse and inclusive city, capable of hosting world-class sporting events.


The PBR Canada National Finals, hosted in Edmonton at Rogers Place, represents the apex of professional bull riding in Canada. This event is the culmination of over 40 nationwide competitions where riders vie for glory, culminating in Edmonton’s high-stakes final showdown. In 2023, the event escalated its prestige with a prize purse of $225,000, making it the second richest event in the PBR circuit, only trailing the World Finals.

This increase in prize money was announced with fanfare at an outdoor bull riding exhibition, setting the stage for one of the most tightly contested championships in PBR Canada’s history. Dakota Buttar’s victory, overcoming physical adversity, made him a legendary figure in the sport, becoming one of the few multi-time PBR Canada Champions.

The Finals are more than a bull riding event; they are a cultural phenomenon that engages the community and visitors and bolsters Edmonton’s economy. With strategic partnerships and robust marketing, including national television coverage, the Finals have a wide-reaching impact. The event’s success in drawing a significant number of attendees from outside the region emphasizes Edmonton’s growing reputation as a center for premier sporting events.

Comprehensive safety measures for participants and livestock, alongside a range of fan engagement activities, from pre-show analyses to post-event autograph sessions, ensure a memorable experience for all. The PBR Canada National Finals highlights Edmonton’s capacity to host major sports events and enriches the city’s economic and cultural landscape.


The 94th Running of the Canadian Derby at Century Mile Racetrack and Casino is a prominent fixture in Edmonton’s sporting calendar, embodying the city’s deep-rooted equestrian legacy. This illustrious event, with a purse of $200,000, is not only a pinnacle of horse racing in Western Canada but also a critical component of the Western Canadian Triple Crown, drawing elite horses and jockeys from across North America. The Derby’s ability to attract such high-calibre competition underscores its importance and prestige in the horse racing world.

Beyond the thrilling races, the Derby is a cultural and social spectacle, with attendees donning their finest attire, reminiscent of the storied traditions of horse racing. The event’s rich history and the anticipation of witnessing equine athleticism at its peak generate excitement and draw large crowds, significantly increasing foot traffic and economic activity in the region.

Strategic marketing initiatives and community partnerships have expanded the Derby’s reach, appealing to a diverse audience and integrating the event more deeply into the fabric of Edmonton’s social and cultural life. Sponsorships and collaborations with local businesses, along with engaging promotions and activities, create a festive atmosphere that enhances the race day experience for all attendees.

The Canadian Derby’s economic impact extends well beyond the racetrack, benefiting hotels, restaurants, and local services and contributing to the vitality of Edmonton’s economy. The event’s funding model, reliant on ticket sales, sponsorships, and partnerships, ensures its sustainability and ongoing success.



The OE Global Conference 2023, co-hosted by NorQuest College and Open Education Global, marked a historic gathering, emphasizing open education’s role in sustainable development. The conference aimed to enhance global education access, quality, affordability, and student success through open educational practices. The theme, “Building a Sustainable World through Open Education,” aligned with UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development goals and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, specifically targeting quality education and lifelong learning for all.

The event, the first of its kind at a community college, attracted over 418 participants from 29 countries, making it the most attended in its history. It fostered international partnerships and showcased Edmonton as a UNESCO Learning City, highlighting its commitment to inclusive, sustainable learning. The conference’s alignment with Edmonton’s educational and sustainability goals underpinned its success, engaging local and global educational communities in meaningful dialogues about open education’s future and its impact on global challenges.

With its diverse program and focus on sustainability and Indigenous Ways of Knowing, the conference promoted NorQuest College and Edmonton as leaders in open education. The event’s success, reflected in its record attendance and positive feedback, underscored the city’s growing reputation as a center for educational excellence and innovation. The OE Global Conference 2023 not only contributed to Edmonton’s educational landscape but also enhanced its profile on the international stage, cementing its position as a city that values and promotes open and inclusive education for all.


The Canada-Wide Science Fair 2023, hosted by Youth Science Canada, was a monumental event that showcased the nation’s young scientific minds. Over seven days, Edmonton became the nexus of Canadian science innovation, hosting 400 student finalists who competed for significant scholarships and prizes. Utilizing key venues like the Edmonton Convention Centre and the University of Alberta, the fair integrated Edmonton’s educational and research communities, highlighting the city’s role in fostering scientific inquiry and innovation.

The event’s objectives focused on promoting STEM education, facilitating collaboration, and inspiring Alberta’s youth. It attracted over 10,000 visitors, including students from across the province. This engagement reinforced Edmonton’s no capacity to host large-scale educational events and its commitment to advancing STEM disciplines nationally.

The fair not only celebrated scientific achievements but also significantly boosted Edmonton’s profile as a hub for scientific and educational excellence, attracting regional, national, and international attention. The event’s partnership with local institutions and businesses showcased Edmonton’s bustling community and state-of-the-art facilities, furthering its reputation as a leading destination for scientific gatherings.

The Canada-Wide Science Fair 2023 epitomized the synergy between education and community, cultivating a stimulating environment where young scientists could thrive and share their groundbreaking research. It demonstrated Edmonton’s dedication to nurturing the next generation of scientists and its pivotal role in the national and global scientific community.


NASTT’s 2023 No-Dig North, hosted in Edmonton, was a premier event for underground infrastructure professionals across North America, focusing on trenchless technology’s advancements and applications. The conference featured extensive technical sessions, exhibits, and networking opportunities, demonstrating innovative practices in the industry. It attracted a diverse audience, including municipal officials, contractors, engineers, and students, showcasing Edmonton’s strategic importance in the utility and construction sectors.

The event’s goals were to educate on trenchless technology benefits, promote industry networking, and underscore Edmonton’s significance in the field. Achieving record attendance, No-Dig North spotlighted Edmonton’s infrastructure projects and fostered significant business and educational opportunities, both locally and internationally.

Edmonton’s selection as the host city underscored its appeal as a vibrant, accessible location for professional gatherings, bolstering its status in the North American trenchless technology community. The conference’s success, evidenced by substantial economic impact and high participation rates, reinforced Edmonton’s capacity to host major industry events, enhancing its profile and demonstrating its commitment to innovative urban development practices.

No-Dig North 2023 exemplified the fusion of industry innovation and educational outreach, creating a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and professional growth. Its positive reception, extensive media coverage, and international participation highlighted Edmonton’s growing influence in the trenchless technology sector and its ability to attract and host significant business events.



Established in 1982, the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival is North America’s largest and longest-running festival of its kind, offering a platform for artists to present unjuried and uncensored performances. This festival has become a hallmark of Edmonton’s cultural identity, embodying the spirit of fringe theatre with its innovative, diverse, and boundary-pushing performances. In 2023, the festival facilitated a remarkable exchange between artists and audiences, featuring 184 productions with 1,409 performances, selling over 115,000 tickets, and returning $1.2 million in ticket revenue directly to the artists.

The festival’s success is built on the support of a vast network of volunteers and arts workers, emphasizing Edmonton’s commitment to nurturing artistic talent and supporting the creative economy. Beyond the immediate spectacle of theatre, the festival significantly impacts the local economy, driving over $16 million in economic activity through the hospitality, retail, and transportation sectors.

The Edmonton Fringe Festival not only showcases Edmonton’s thriving arts scene but also elevates the city’s profile on the international stage. With a legacy of fostering artistic risk and community engagement, the festival represents a critical node in the global fringe network, influencing similar festivals worldwide. Through its continued evolution, the Edmonton Fringe Festival exemplifies the city’s dedication to arts and culture, making it a pivotal event in Edmonton’s annual cultural calendar and a significant contributor to its artistic and economic vitality.


Flying Canoe Volant 2023 was a luminous celebration of French Canadian, First Nations, and Métis cultures, set against the wintry backdrop of Edmonton’s Mill Creek Ravine and French Quarter. Drawing inspiration from the legend of The Flying Canoe, this event merges folklore with cultural festivities, creating an enchanting winter experience. In 2023, the festival attracted over 60,000 attendees, showcasing Edmonton’s capacity to host significant cultural events during the winter months.

The festival’s programming includes illuminated trails, live music, storytelling, and interactive art installations, all of which celebrate the rich tapestry of local indigenous and Francophone heritage. Through these activities, Flying Canoe Volant provides an immersive cultural experience, enhancing Edmonton’s reputation as a winter city and highlighting its diverse cultural landscape.

With an estimated economic impact of $1.2 million, the festival not only entertains but also contributes to the local economy, supporting local businesses and promoting tourism. The event’s innovative approach to winter festivities and cultural representation makes it a standout in Edmonton’s festival scene, fostering community engagement, cultural exchange, and economic growth. Flying Canoe Volant is a testament to Edmonton’s dynamic cultural spirit and its ability to bring together diverse communities in celebration of shared heritage and tradition.


Established in 2006, The Mosquers Film Festival has become an integral part of Edmonton’s cultural scene, highlighting the talents and stories of Muslim filmmakers and artists. This festival bridges cultural gaps and fosters dialogue, showcasing a wide array of Muslim experiences through cinema. The event features film screenings, panel discussions, and an afterparty, offering a comprehensive platform for artistic expression and community engagement.

In 2023, The Mosquers received over 150 film submissions from around the world, reflecting the diversity and richness of Muslim narratives. The festival enhances Edmonton’s cultural diversity and positions the city as a center for Muslim artistic creativity on a global scale. With activities like the incubator program and pitch competition, The Mosquers actively supports emerging local and non-local Muslim artists and contributes to the development of a vibrant creative community.

The economic and cultural impact of The Mosquers on Edmonton is significant, drawing attendees from across Canada and beyond, and promoting the city as a destination for arts and cultural tourism. Through its commitment to showcasing diverse Muslim stories and fostering artistic talent, The Mosquers Film Festival plays a crucial role in enriching Edmonton’s cultural landscape and enhancing its reputation as a hub for inclusive and innovative artistic expression.



The 2023 Juno Awards, hosted at Rogers Place in Edmonton, represented a pinnacle of Canadian music, celebrating artistic excellence and diversity. As the first Juno event since 2019 to be held on the road, it marked a significant cultural moment for Edmonton, drawing national and international attention. With live performances and award presentations by Canada’s top musical talents, the event reached a broadcast audience of 2.95 million, contributing to a cumulative media impression of 5.8 billion.

The Juno Awards served not only as a platform for showcasing established and emerging artists but also emphasized the diversity of Canadian music, with over 60% of the performers being BIPOC. The event facilitated a substantial economic influx, generating $11.7 million in local economic activity and supporting numerous jobs.

The week-long celebration included various public and industry events, demonstrating Edmonton’s ability to host large-scale, multifaceted gatherings. The Junos effectively marketed Edmonton as a bustling cultural hub, leveraging a $5.5 million marketing campaign and collaborations with key stakeholders to highlight the city’s attractions and hospitality.

By engaging a wide array of public activities, the Juno Awards fostered community involvement and showcased Edmonton’s capacity for hosting premier national events, solidifying its standing in the Canadian music industry and cultural landscape.


The 2023 Great Outdoor Comedy Festival, held in Edmonton’s scenic Kinsmen Park, has swiftly become a hallmark event, renowned for its unique blend of comedy and outdoor leisure. This festival showcases comedic talent and represents Edmonton’s culture and commitment to community engagement. With an attendance of 14,578, more than double the previous year’s, the Great Outdoor Comedy Festival has significantly boosted Edmonton’s tourism, drawing 43% of its audience from outside the city, including international visitors.

The festival’s objectives were met with strategic planning and execution. It expanded its reach, engaging a diverse audience, and significantly impacted the local economy, generating an estimated $5.91 million. The festival’s collaboration with Boyle Street Community Services and HireGood reinforced its dedication to social responsibility and community support, raising $27,000 for local programs and promoting local employment.

The Great Outdoor Comedy Festival’s inclusivity and accessibility were enhanced through partnerships and sustainability initiatives, which aimed to create a green and welcoming environment for all attendees. The festival’s innovative approach, such as the VIP experience with QR code-based service and a strong marketing campaign, further elevated the event’s profile and attendee satisfaction.

Through laughter and community spirit, the GOCF has left a lasting imprint on Edmonton’s cultural scene. It showcases the city’s capacity to host significant destination events and reinforces its reputation as a thriving and inclusive community.


The Style Experience FIS Big Air World Cup at Commonwealth Stadium was a monumental event in the world of snowboarding. It brought together elite athletes to compete on a spectacular 15-story jump, the largest ever constructed for such an event. This competition, the first North American stop on the FIS international tour, showcased Edmonton’s sporting capabilities and highlighted its potential as a destination for international sporting events.

The event attracted over 10,000 attendees and reached 2.5 million viewers worldwide, boosting Edmonton’s profile on the global stage. The economic impact was substantial, with the event showcasing local amenities and contributing to the hospitality sector. The integration of local culture, including a vendor village featuring Edmonton’s small businesses, provided a comprehensive experience of the city’s community and economic diversity.

Canada Snowboard’s objectives of elevating the event with new activations, retaining Edmonton’s ‘go big’ philosophy, and establishing the competition as a premier event on the FIS Snowboard Big Air Tour were successfully met. The inclusion of musical acts, innovative fan engagement strategies, and the integration of local culture and talent made the Style Experience a distinctive and memorable event.

The Style Experience FIS Big Air World Cup not only underscored Edmonton’s readiness to host international sporting events but also celebrated the city’s dynamic and welcoming spirit.



Prairie Gardens Longtable Farm Dinner Program is a beacon of culinary excellence and sustainable agriculture. It offers an authentic farm-to-table experience that captivates the essence of Alberta’s agricultural heritage. The program’s foundation is built on three core objectives: cultivating a taste of place, supporting small-scale farmers, and creating sustainable farm practices, all of which are met with fervour and commitment.

At the heart of Prairie Gardens’ culinary ethos is the desire to provide guests with a genuine connection to the land and its produce. Dinners are crafted around what the farm grows, reflecting the season’s bounty and showcasing the flavours unique to the region. This approach promotes biodiversity and encourages the cultivation of a wide variety of crops, supporting the local ecosystem and economy.

The program champions small-scale farmers, sourcing ingredients locally to create menus that are a celebration of Alberta’s diversity. This is done to support the livelihoods of local producers as well as reduce the environmental impact associated with food transportation, aligning with the farm’s sustainability goals.

Prairie Gardens provides more than just a meal; it’s an immersive experience where guests can engage with the farming process, understand the journey of food from seed to plate, and appreciate the intricate relationship between agriculture and cuisine. Collaborations with local chefs, artisans, and beverage makers enhance the dining experience to create a symphony of flavours that resonate with the land’s heritage.

The Longtable Farm Dinner Program at Prairie Gardens is an embodiment of culinary innovation and sustainable practice. It offers a memorable experience that epitomizes the spirit of Alberta’s farm-to-table movement.


Métis Crossing Culinary Program embodies the essence of Métis culture, offering a culinary journey that interweaves traditional Métis dishes with the rich tapestry of their history and heritage. This program isn’t just about food; it’s a comprehensive cultural immersion, where every dish tells a story and every ingredient carries the legacy of the Métis people. Through hands-on cooking demonstrations, guests actively participate in the creation of traditional dishes, gaining culinary skills and insights into the historical and cultural significance of Métis cuisine.

Interactive storytelling sessions and guided tours of the culinary garden further enrich the visitor experience, offering a glimpse into the traditional uses of native plants and ingredients in Métis cooking. The program extends beyond the plate to include workshops on sustainable harvesting techniques, reflecting a deep respect for the land and its bounty. The introduction of an indoor hydroponic garden exemplifies Métis Crossing’s commitment to sustainability, showcasing innovative approaches to food production.

The culinary experience at Métis Crossing is designed to be holistic, engaging guests in a sensory and educational journey. From the scenic backdrop of the North Saskatchewan River to the authentic ambiance created by live music and cultural activities, every element is thoughtfully curated to enhance the dining experience. Staff members, trained in the art of Métis storytelling, share anecdotes and historical insights, transforming each meal into a narrative of Métis heritage.

Métis Crossing Culinary Program stands out as a unique destination where visitors not only savour exquisite Métis cuisine but also leave with a profound understanding and appreciation of Métis culture. Its innovative approach to culinary tourism, blending gastronomy with education and sustainability, represents a model of how food can be a powerful conduit for cultural expression and education.


Eat Alberta First, an initiative of Alberta Food Tours, is a pioneering program in Edmonton’s culinary tourism landscape. Through a blend of public and private tours, it’s designed to showcase the city’s diverse food scene. It demonstrates the richness of Alberta’s culinary heritage, offering experiences that are as educational as they are gastronomical.

The program’s objectives are clear: to provide regular, accessible tours for both locals and tourists, offer private tour options for a more personalized experience, and assist in the promotion of Edmonton’s food culture to a broader audience. These goals are met with a dedication to quality and authenticity, providing a platform for guests to explore Edmonton’s culinary diversity at an affordable price.

Eat Alberta First is not just about tasting food; it’s about understanding the story behind each dish, the local producers, and the culinary traditions of the region. The program supports local growers and culinary providers, forming partnerships that bring the history, heritage, and culture of Alberta’s food scene to the forefront. This not only educates attendees but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the local food ecosystem.

With the publication of the book “Eat Alberta First,” the program extends its influence beyond tours, encapsulating the essence of Edmonton’s culinary scene in print and promoting it nationwide. The book, highlighting local food artisans and recipes, becomes a conduit for marketing Edmonton as a culinary destination, further solidifying the program’s impact on the local food tourism industry.



TELUS World of Science – Edmonton is an iconic institution in the heart of Edmonton, fostering curiosity and discovery for over four decades. Welcoming more than 17.8 million visitors since its inception, this educational landmark offers a plethora of engaging and interactive exhibits, captivating IMAX Theatre presentations, and the immersive Zeidler Dome Planetarium. In 2023, the Science Centre witnessed a remarkable 55% surge in attendance, thanks to its efforts to remain inclusive of Edmonton’s Indigenous communities and the city’s 2SLGBTQIA+ population.

The centre’s commitment to inclusivity and educational outreach is evident in its array of programs that reach beyond its walls, impacting over 90,000 students annually across Alberta and Northern Canada. Through innovative exhibitions and programming, including the Aurora Project’s $41 million renovation, the Science Centre has redefined its space to enhance visitor experience and engagement, further solidifying its status as a community hub and educational pioneer.

The economic impact of the Science Centre on the local and regional economy is huge, with substantial operating revenues supporting employment and local businesses, while attracting tourists that bolster the hospitality and services sectors. By generating 80% of its operating budget through earned revenues, the centre exemplifies a sustainable model for cultural and educational institutions. TELUS World of Science – Edmonton, through its innovative exhibits, community engagement, and educational programs, continues to be a beacon of inspiration and a cornerstone of Edmonton’s cultural and economic landscape.


The North Saskatchewan River Valley Parks, a jewel in Edmonton’s urban landscape, represent one of North America’s most extensive urban parklands. This natural sanctuary spans both the east and west sides of the city, with over 160 kilometres of multi-use trails, picnic areas, and river access points, facilitating a deep connection with nature. The parks are a critical component of Edmonton’s Green Network Strategy, focusing on Celebration, Wellness, and Ecology. In 2023, the parks exemplified these themes by hosting a staggering array of over 350 festivals and events, alongside nearly 2000 picnic bookings and numerous facility rentals, reflecting their integral role in community celebration and engagement.

The River Valley is a central hub for outdoor activities, offering a vast array of recreational options, including skating, tobogganing, hiking, and paddling. It is a testament to the city’s commitment to providing accessible, year-round recreational opportunities that improve the quality of life for Edmontonians. The addition of the Northeast River Valley Park further highlights the city’s dedication to expanding green spaces and enriching the ecological network of the River Valley.

The River Valley’s significant contribution to Edmonton’s tourism is underscored by its prominent inclusion in marketing campaigns that highlight its natural beauty and recreational opportunities, enhancing the city’s profile nationally and internationally. The parks not only offer a retreat from urban life but also play a pivotal role in the local economy, with the Trans Canada Trail and various events stimulating significant economic and health benefits. With over 10 million annual visits, the River Valley is a cherished asset, symbolizing Edmonton’s commitment to environmental stewardship and community well-being.


Yesterday’s Auto Gallery personifies automotive history and culture in Edmonton, boasting Canada’s largest classic car collection available to the public. Since its inception in April 2022, the Gallery has welcomed over 25,000 visitors, immersing them in a sprawling 43,000-square-foot space filled with over 100 classic and rare automobiles. This unique attraction provides a nostalgic journey through automotive evolution, enhanced by thematic exhibits and the passionate narratives of the Gallery’s volunteer staff.

The Gallery’s commitment to preserving automotive heritage is complemented by its versatility as a venue for community events and educational programs. From celebrating significant life milestones to hosting corporate gatherings and educational classes, Yesterday’s Auto Gallery is a beloved community hub that promotes a deep connection with Edmonton’s rich automotive history.

Beyond its walls, the Gallery significantly contributes to the local economy and tourism sector. Collaborations with local businesses and influencers have positioned it as a premier destination, drawing visitors locally and globally. Its dynamic engagement strategies, including themed events and interactive learning opportunities, offer guests of all ages a unique and memorable experience.

Yesterday’s Auto Gallery is a center for education, nostalgia, and community engagement. It offers a distinctive window into the past while actively contributing to Edmonton’s present and future cultural landscape. Winning the Attraction of the Year Award would recognize its excellence in preserving and celebrating automotive history and highlight its significant impact on Edmonton’s cultural and tourism industry.



Over 50 employees

West Edmonton Mall (WEM), an iconic destination within Edmonton, and Canada as a whole, plays a monumental role in the tourism industry, drawing guests from all corners of the globe. With its extensive selection of over 800 stores and restaurants, coupled with 12 world-class attractions, WEM offers an unparalleled shopping and entertainment experience. Attractions like the World Waterpark, Galaxyland powered by Hasbro, DRIVE Go Karts, and Professor WEM’s Adventure Golf cater to a diverse range of visitors, ensuring an enjoyable and memorable visit for everyone.

WEM’s commitment to providing the best possible experience for guests is evidenced by its array of offerings that cater to various tastes and preferences, from thrilling rides to relaxing staycation amenities. Its status as a world-class destination promotes Edmonton as a prime location to visit and live, enhancing the city’s tourism appeal.

The mall’s integration into the community is significant, demonstrated through numerous partnerships with charities and hosting fundraising events, reflecting its commitment to social responsibility. Additionally, WEM’s strategy for long-term viability and success is shown through its continuous adaptation and evolution to meet the changing needs and preferences of visitors.

WEM’s contribution to the tourism industry is substantial, with past studies highlighting its considerable economic impact, including billions in incremental expenditures and significant employment generation in Alberta. By ensuring visitor satisfaction through exceptional service, diverse attractions, and robust community engagement, WEM stands as a leading candidate for the Tourism Business of the Year Award.


Under 50 employees

The Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market (OSFM) is an established culinary and agricultural tourism hub in Edmonton, connecting visitors with the city’s local flavours and crafts. Hosting 140 vendors year-round, OSFM offers an extensive mix of products, from diverse foods and handmade items to award-winning alcoholic beverages, providing a unique market experience unmatched in the region.

OSFM’s strategic revitalization responds to increased demand for longer operational hours and enhanced services, aiming to provide visitors with more choice and improved access. Innovations like Curbside Carryout enhance the customer experience, allowing guests to enjoy the market longer without the inconvenience of carrying purchases.

This market delivers a distinctive shopping experience and actively contributes to Edmonton’s tourism landscape. The demand for culinary and agricultural tourism is significant, and OSFM’s role in satisfying this demand is evident through its impressive visitor numbers and recognition by major tourism and travel organizations.

OSFM’s innovative approach to product and service development, including plans for expanded operations and the introduction of unique spaces like a General Store and cafe, positions it as a leader in the local and provincial tourism sector. These initiatives promise to transform OSFM into a dynamic destination that attracts a larger visitor base, promoting Edmonton as a premier location for farm-to-fork experiences.

With a strong focus on human resources development and creating an inclusive environment, OSFM supports a diverse workforce and vendorship, contributing to the market’s vibrancy and appeal. Its ongoing efforts to innovate and improve the visitor experience make OSFM a deserving nominee for the Tourism Business of the Year Award.



Linda Hoang, known as “lindork” online, is an important figure in Edmonton’s tourism scene. She seamlessly combines her love for the city with her expertise in content creation. Since transitioning to a full-time influencer in 2019, after a decade of part-time engagement, Linda has consistently elevated Edmonton’s profile through her engaging and informative content. Her blog and social media platforms brim with recommendations for dining, events, and activities, reflecting her deep-rooted passion for the city.

Linda’s curated guides and weekly listings embody her commitment to showcasing Edmonton’s vibrant culture and local businesses. Her notable collaborations with organizations like Explore Edmonton and the Downtown Business Association have amplified the city’s tourism appeal, drawing attention to events and initiatives that celebrate Edmonton’s dynamic spirit.

Her strategic approach to content creation, coupled with her marketing and communications background, ensures that her promotions are not only appealing but also meaningful and impactful. Linda’s dedication to highlighting minority and women-owned businesses further enriches her narrative, offering a comprehensive view of the city’s diverse tourism landscape.

Linda’s consistent engagement with her audience through various platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and her blog, underpins her reputation as a trustworthy and influential voice in tourism. Her impressive analytics, with thousands of followers and high engagement rates, underscore her influence and reach.

Given her extensive contributions to Edmonton’s tourism industry, Linda Hoang exemplifies the essence of a leading tourism influencer. Her strategic, ethical, and passionate promotion of Edmonton enhances the city’s tourism appeal and fosters a deeper appreciation and understanding of its unique character and offerings.


Sameer Ahmed, the creative force behind Edmonton Skyline, has been instrumental in shaping the visual narrative of Edmonton’s tourism for over five years. His exceptional drone photography and videography offer unique perspectives of the city, capturing its essence from both ground and sky. His Instagram reels, especially those showcasing the Edmonton skyline, have garnered significant attention, achieving half a million views and highlighting the city’s picturesque beauty.

Sameer’s approach to content creation is characterized by authenticity and a genuine love for Edmonton. He has collaborated closely with Travel Alberta, focusing on promoting Edmonton’s stunning cityscape and dazzling life. His dedication to showcasing the city positively has resonated with his growing follower base, reflecting a shared appreciation for Edmonton’s charm.

His social media activities extend beyond posting beautiful images. Sameer actively engages with his audience, sharing city happenings and fostering a community of photography enthusiasts and city lovers. His collaborations with fellow photographers and engagement in local tourism initiatives highlight his commitment to the city’s cultural and tourism development.

Sameer’s ability to blend artistic talent with strategic communication has significantly influenced how Edmonton is perceived both locally and internationally. His non-commercial, passion-driven content creation sets him apart, offering an authentic and compelling portrayal of the city. 

Through his genuine passion and innovative approach to content creation, Sameer has become a key figure in promoting Edmonton’s tourism sector. His efforts to share the city’s beauty through unique and captivating visuals have made a lasting impact on how Edmonton is viewed by both locals and the global community. His dedication to showcasing the city in a positive light, without any commercial motives, demonstrates his commitment to genuine storytelling and community engagement.


Ms. Hangry Foodie, known in real life as Stephanie Truong, has been an influential figure in Edmonton’s food and tourism landscape since 2014. Her journey from being the go-to food advisor among her peers to a prominent food blogger and social media influencer showcases her deep commitment to Edmonton’s gastronomic scene. Through her engaging content on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, Stephanie highlights the city’s culinary diversity, showcasing new, exciting restaurants and culinary experiences in and around Edmonton.

Stephanie’s collaboration with Explore Edmonton in 2023 stands out as a key initiative. She helped spotlight local eateries, enhancing Edmonton’s reputation as a foodie destination. Her content not only promotes the local dining scene but also integrates it with the broader narrative of Edmonton as a lively and enticing city for tourists and locals alike. 

Her professional background in marketing and her strategic use of digital platforms have enabled her to craft compelling narratives that resonate with a broad audience, effectively driving tourism interest and engagement. Stephanie’s dedication to providing authentic and positive portrayals of Edmonton’s culinary offerings, often self-funded, highlights her genuine passion and commitment to supporting the local economy.

With nearly a decade of influencing Edmonton’s food scene, Stephanie has cultivated a strong and engaged community of followers who value her insights and recommendations. Her strategic thinking, exceptional communication skills, and audience engagement are evident in her content’s consistency and quality.



The National Gathering of Elders, an event of profound cultural and historical significance, represents a major convergence of Indigenous Elders and youth from across North America. This assembly in Edmonton is not just a meeting but a celebration of Indigenous culture, wisdom, and tradition, attended by 5,000 participants. It serves as a dynamic platform for discussing important topics like language revitalization, reconciliation, justice, health, and wellness, alongside showcasing rich cultural expressions through Powwow dancers, jiggers, fiddlers, and Inuit performers.

The event’s primary objectives are manifold: creating a safe, inclusive environment for knowledge exchange, educating people of all backgrounds on Indigenous experiences and aspirations, and compiling a lasting record of the Elders’ wisdom for future generations. By meeting these objectives, the gathering underscores its role as an important cultural repository and a beacon of learning and understanding.

Organized with respect for traditional protocols, the gathering ensures authentic representation and respectful ceremony execution. The Elders’ committee, supported by a technical team, oversees the event, emphasizing the importance of tradition, security, and hospitality. This careful organization and dedication to protocol affirm the gathering’s authenticity and reverence for Indigenous cultures.

The National Gathering of Elders significantly impacts Edmonton’s tourism and economy, drawing attendees who engage with local businesses and attractions, thereby stimulating economic activity. It also promotes and advances cultural activity in the region, highlighting the importance of Indigenous cultures and languages while cultivating networks and initiatives that support cultural preservation and education.

The gathering’s educational impact is profound. It offers workshops and discussions that provide deep insights into First Nation, Inuit, and Métis cultures. Funded through various governmental and community sources, this event embodies a collective effort to honour and perpetuate Indigenous heritage.



Garrett Turta, with over 33 years in the hospitality industry, has made significant contributions to Edmonton’s hotel scene, particularly through his leadership and innovation. As a graduate of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology’s Hotel and Restaurant Administration program, Garrett’s career has been marked by ascending leadership roles within the Fairmont chain, culminating in his current position as the General Manager of the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge.

His strategic vision led to the creation of Edmonton’s Best Hotels, a brand under Edmonton Destination Marketing Hotels, enhancing the city’s hospitality sector’s visibility and appeal. Garrett’s leadership has been instrumental in navigating economic challenges, advocating for the hotel community, and driving initiatives that broadened the industry’s reach and impact.

Beyond his professional achievements, Garrett has demonstrated a profound commitment to community service and the betterment of the hospitality industry. His involvement in educational and tourism boards, charitable initiatives, and environmental stewardship illustrates a holistic approach to leadership that encompasses business success, community engagement, and sustainable practices.

Garrett’s legacy in the hotel industry is not just in the success of the properties he has managed but also in the lasting positive impact he has made on the community and the industry at large. His comprehensive approach to leadership, characterized by collaboration, innovation, and community involvement, makes him an exemplary figure in Edmonton’s hotel industry.


Peter Parmar’s career spans over 40 years, during which he has left an indelible mark on Edmonton’s hotel industry. His innovative and strategic leadership has played a vital role in the growth and success of numerous establishments, notably the Fantasyland Hotel, where he significantly increased revenue through creative marketing and sales initiatives. His vision and business acumen have led to the successful operation of 14 hotels, contributing substantially to the hospitality sector’s development in Edmonton and beyond.

Peter’s influence is not limited to his professional achievements but is also evident in his extensive volunteer work and service. As a respected figure in the hospitality industry, he has been an active advocate, representing and promoting the sector’s interests at various levels. His leadership and efforts in the Alberta Hotel and Lodging Association and other tourism-related organizations have been pivotal in addressing key challenges and advancing the industry’s goals.

His dedication to community service and philanthropy, coupled with his contributions to the hospitality and tourism sectors, underscore his comprehensive impact on Edmonton’s cultural and economic landscape. Peter’s ability to innovate, inspire, and lead makes him a deserving candidate for the Hotelier Lifetime Achievement Award, reflecting his profound influence on the industry and community.


With over 38 years of dedicated service in the tourism, hospitality, and convention sectors, Richard Wong has become a pivotal figure in Edmonton’s hotel industry. His journey in Edmonton began in 2003, and since then, he has passionately contributed to the city’s and province’s hospitality landscape. His leadership roles at significant establishments like Sutton Place Hotel, Chateau Lacombe Hotel, and the Edmonton Convention Centre highlight his ability to transform and elevate these institutions to new heights of success and recognition.

Under Richard’s guidance, the Edmonton Convention Centre was acclaimed as the top venue in Canada and among the top five in North America, showcasing his skill in enhancing operational excellence and reputation. His tenure as President of Nova Hotels saw him steering the company through significant growth, including overseeing 15 hotels across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories, and reinforcing the brand’s presence in the Edmonton area.

Richard’s influence extends beyond his professional achievements to significant community and industry contributions. His extensive involvement with organizations like the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation, Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, and Edmonton Economic Development Corporation underlines his commitment to the city’s welfare and progress. His leadership in various hospitality and tourism boards has been instrumental in advocating for and advancing the sector’s interests, ensuring Edmonton remains a competitive destination in the national and international markets.